Rubrics For Computer Laboratory Activity Vector

Rubrics For Computer Laboratory Activity Vector

Course Descriptions . Competency in Math Essentials MTE 1- 3 as demonstrated through the placement and diagnostic tests, or by satisfactorily completing the required MTE units, or equivalent.

Lecture 3 hours per week. Includes payroll, sales, property, and income tax.

Studies the fundamentals of income tax preparation of business taxes for small businesses organized as proprietorships, partnerships, limited liability companies, and S- corporations. Includes income tax preparation related to business assets; business of the home; employment taxes; withholding and estimated taxes; Schedules C, SE and 1.

Also includes discussion and practice in recording of payroll for a small business. Lecture 3 hours per week. Serial Winzip 10 Espaг±Ol. Demonstrates how decision- makers use accounting information for reporting purposes.

Focuses on the preparation of accounting information and its use in the operation of organizations, as well as methods of analysis and interpretation of accounting information. Prerequisites: Placement in ENG 1.

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Rubrics For Computer Laboratory Activity Vector

Disclaimer: These are the courses from the current University of West Georgia course catalog. Not every course is offered each semester or even each. Compendium of all course descriptions for courses available at Reynolds Community College. We provide excellent essay writing service 24/7. Enjoy proficient essay writing and custom writing services provided by professional academic writers. Note: The terms in which a course is normally taught is at the end of each description (F=Fall, Sp=Spring, Su=Summer). Jump to TN eCampus Courses.

ENG 1. 11 and ENF 3. Focuses on the application of accounting information with respect to product costing, as well as its use within the organization to provide direction and to judge performance.

Prerequisite: ACC 2. Lecture 3 hours per week. Focuses on operation of computers.

Presents the accounting cycle and financial statement preparation in a computerized system and other applications for financial and managerial accounting. Can Windows Sound Recorder Record Longer Than 60 Seconds there. Introduces the Quick. Books accounting software program. Prerequisite: ACC 1. ACC 2. 11, or equivalent, or school approval.

Lecture 3 hours per week. Offers analytical techniques through the use of comprehensive case studies. Highlights the evolution of financial statement reporting, the conceptual framework, and GAAP analysis. Prerequisite: ACC 2. Lecture 3 hours per week. Introduces various accounting approaches and demonstrates the effect of these approaches on the financial statement users. Prerequisite: ACC 2.

Consists of an extensive examination of topics for specified balance sheet accounts beyond the scope of a principles course. Focuses on the complex areas of balance sheet and income statement reporting for the corporate entity. Prerequisite: ACC 2.

Includes cost control, responsibility accounting, capital budgeting, and pricing decisions. Prerequisite: ACC 2. Provides an introduction to the various ways fraud and occupational abuses occur, methods to identify the risk of exposure to loss from fraud, and appropriate prevention, detection, and investigation approaches. Also, covers recent developments in e- commerce and consumer fraud and the legal options for victims of fraud. Lecture 3 hours per week. Studies internal control design and evaluation, evidence- gathering techniques, and other topics.

Develops an understanding and appreciation of the philosophy of the audit process and its practice. Focuses on issues relevant to an external auditing professional, such as audit risk analysis, planning of audit engagements, internal controls, and substantive testing. Covers the report and opinion of the auditor to management, stockholders, and considers the ethical and legal responsibilities of the auditor. Prerequisite or Co- requisite: ACC 2. Lecture 3 hours per week. Includes tax planning, compliance, and reporting.

Covers gross income, deductions, and credits. Includes tax compliance and reporting.

Emphasizes personal tax burden minimization and preparation of personal tax returns. Prerequisite: ACC 2. Lecture 3 hours per week. Examines the responsibilities of administrators and field supervisors of patrol in the local and state law enforcement agencies. Prerequisite: ADJ 1.

Lecture 3 hours per week. Introduces the student to and examine global preparedness from a transportation perspective. Considers the interrelationship among natural disasters, and sustainable infrastructure.

Describes intermodal and integrated transportation and physical models of movement and discusses mobility as a cultural lifeline. Lecture 3 hours per week. It also explores vulnerabilities of our national defense and private sectors as well as the threats posed to these institutions by terrorists, man- made disasters, and natural disasters. Lecture 3 hours per week. Discusses the importance of agencies associated with homeland security and their interrelated duties and responsibilities. Lecture 3 hours per week.

Examines theories that explain crime and criminal behavior in human society. Prerequisite: Placement in ENG 1. ENG 1. 11 and ENF 3.

Lecture 3 hours per week. Studies the kinds, degrees, and admissibility of evidence and its presentation in criminal proceedings with emphasis on legal guidelines for methods and techniques of evidence acquisition. Surveys the procedural requirements from arrest to final disposition in the various American court systems with focus on the Virginia jurisdiction. Lecture 3 hours per week. Constitution and the historical development of these restrictions on government power, primarily through U. Supreme Court decisions. Reviews rights of free speech, press, and assembly, as well as criminal procedure guarantees (to counsel, jury trial, habeas corpus, etc.) as they apply to the activities of those in the criminal justice system.

Lecture 3 hours per week. Teaches the identification and classification of such drugs and emphasizes the symptoms and effects on their users. Examines investigative methods and procedures utilized in law enforcement efforts against illicit drug usage. Lecture 3 hours per week. Surveys and analyzes various interactive approaches of law enforcement agencies and the citizenry they serve. Lecture 3 hours per week. Includes biological, chemical, nuclear, and cyber- terrorism.

Teaches the identification and classification of terrorist organizations, violent political groups and issue- oriented militant movements. Examines investigative methods and procedures utilized in counter terrorist efforts domestically and internationally. Lecture 3 hours per week. Examines crime scene search and collecting, handling, and preserving evidence. Lecture 3 hours per week. Emphasizes locations and settings for interviews, kinesics, proxemics, and paralinguistics of both the interviewer and interviewee. Prerequisite: Students enrolling in the course must be certified law enforcement personnel currently employed in a police agency.

Lecture 3 hours per week. Discusses the diversity of cultures in the Arab world. Part I of II. Prerequisite: Students must be functionally fluent in English.

Lecture 4 hours per week. Discusses the diversity of cultures in the Arab world.

Part II of II. Prerequisites: ARA 1. English. Lecture 4 hours per week. Discusses the diversity of cultures in the Arab world. Classes are conducted in Arabic. Prerequisite: ARA 1.

Lecture 3 hours per week. Requires production of plans, sections, and elevations of a simple building. Studies use of common reference material and the organization of architectural working drawings. Requires development of a limited set of working drawings, including a site plan, related details, and pictorial drawings.

Part I of II. Prerequisite: DRF 2. Lecture 2 hours. Laboratory 3 hours.

Total 5 hours per week. Requires production of plans, sections, and elevations of a simple building. Studies use of common reference material and the organization of architectural working drawings. Requires development of a limited set of working drawings, including a site plan, related details, and pictorial drawings. Part II of II. Prerequisite: ARC 1. Lecture 2 hours. Laboratory 3 hours. Total 5 hours per week.

Deals with species used, growth characteristics, hygroscopic properties, and applications of lumber and plywood. Includes wood framing systems, pre- manufactured components, modular systems, windows, doors, cabinets, and flooring. Lecture 3 hours per week. Includes brick and cementitious materials, mortar, and workmanship, and iron, steel, and aluminum as used in construction. Lecture 3 hours per week. Computer- aided design/drafting begins to assume a dominant role in the drawing production process. Prerequisites: ARC 1.

DRF 2. 31. Prerequisite or Co- requisite: ARC 2. Lecture 2 hours. Laboratory 3 hours.

Total 5 hours per week. Requires creation of working drawings by adding the necessary sections, dimensions, and notes to the computer- generated views.

Prerequisite: DRF 2. Lecture 2 hours. Laboratory 2 hours. Total 4 hours per week. Familiarizes students with the design process to provide a better understanding of the relationship between architectural design and structural systems.

Computer- aided design/drafting begins to assume a dominant role in the drawing production process. Prerequisites: ARC 1. DRF 2. 31. Prerequisite or Co- requisite: ARC 2. Lecture 2 hours. Laboratory 3 hours. Total 5 hours per week. CAD is the primary means for drawing production, as well as design presentation, including 3. D renderings and animations.

Prerequisites: ARC 2. DRF 2. 32. Lecture 2 hours. Laboratory 3 hours.

Total 5 hours per week. Utilizes the commands and features of the software to generate drawings that emphasize architectural design and structural systems. Lecture 2 hours. Laboratory 2 hours.

Total 4 hours per week. Covers plumbing supply and drainage, including storm drainage and private sewage disposal. Requires calculation of overall heat balances for buildings as basis for design of heating and cooling systems.

Prerequisite: ARC 1. Lecture 3 hours per week. Describes architectural styles, sculpture, photography, printmaking, and painting techniques.

Prerequisite: Placement in ENG 1. Co- requisites ENG 1.

ENF 3. Lecture 3 hours per week. Begins with prehistoric art and follows the development of western civilization to the present. ART 1. 01 and 1. 02 may be taken out of order. Part I of II. Prerequisite: Placement in ENG 1. Co- requisites ENG 1. ENF 3. Lecture 3 hours per week.

Begins with prehistoric art and follows the development of western civilization to the present. ART 1. 01 and 1. 02 may be taken out of order. Part II of II. Prerequisite: Placement in ENG 1.

Epidemiology, the Internet, and Global Health.

Rubrics For Computer Laboratory Activity Vector
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