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Siachen conflict; Part of the Indo-Pakistani Wars and the Kashmir conflict: Siachen (white) in a map of Indian-administered Kashmir Siachen Glacier lies in the. UpdateStar is compatible with Windows platforms. UpdateStar has been tested to meet all of the technical requirements to be compatible with Windows 10, 8.1, Windows 8. This is the highest mountain system on earth, the name Himalaya means the House of Snow and it consists of several parallel mountain ranges. 30 to 50 million years in.

Siachen conflict - Wikipedia. The Siachen conflict, sometimes referred to as the Siachen War, is a military conflict between India and Pakistan over the disputed Siachen Glacier region in Kashmir.

A cease- fire went into effect in 2. India has established control over all of the 7.

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Siachen Glacier and all of its tributary glaciers, as well as the three main passes of the Saltoro Ridge immediately west of the glacier—Sia La, Bilafond La, and Gyong La. Pakistan controls the glacial valleys immediately west of the Saltoro Ridge. Both countries maintain permanent military presence in the region at a height of over 6,0. More than 2. 00. 0 people have died in this inhospitable terrain, mostly due to weather extremes and the natural hazards of mountain warfare. The conflict in Siachen stems from the incompletely demarcated territory on the map beyond the map coordinate known as NJ9. The 1. 94. 9 Karachi Agreement and 1. Simla Agreement did not clearly mention who controlled the glacier, merely stating that the Cease Fire Line (CFL) terminated at NJ9.

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The largely inaccessible terrain beyond this point was not demarcated. This portion of the cease- fire line shall be demarcated in detail on the basis of the factual position as of 2. July 1. 94. 9, by the local commanders assisted by United Nations military observers. Later, following the Indo- Pakistani War of 1. Simla Agreement in July 1. Map Number S/1. 43.

Add. 2 to Karachi Agreement 1. Page- 2 of U. N. Map Number S/1. Add. 2 showing the CFL. Page- 3 U. N. Map Number S/1. Add. 2 showing the CFL up to Point NJ 9.

Present Map of Indian Jammu and Kashmir state including entire Siachen glacier. A U. N. In 1. 95. Geological Survey of India recorded its findings publicly including information about the Siachen and other glaciers. Pakistan granted a number of permits.

This in turn reinforced the Pakistani claim on the area, as these expeditions arrived on the glacier with a permit obtained from the Government of Pakistan. Teram Kangri I (7,4. Teram Kangri II (7,4. Japanese expedition led by H. Katayama, which approached through Pakistan via the Bilafond La. The documentary .

Prior to 1. 98. 4 neither India nor Pakistan had any permanent presence in the area. Having become aware of the US military maps and the permit incidents, Colonel Narendra Kumar, then commanding officer of the Indian Army's High Altitude Warfare School, mounted an Army expedition to the Siachen area as a counter- exercise. In 1. 97. 8 this expedition climbed Teram Kangri II, claiming it as a first ascent in a typical 'oropolitical' riposte. Unusually for the normally secretive Indian Army, the news and photographs of this expedition were published in The Illustrated Weekly of India, a widely circulated popular magazine. In the haste to pull together operational resources, Pakistan planners made a tactical error, according to a now retired Pakistani army colonel. The acquisition of key supplies needed for operations in glaciated zones marked the start of major combat operations on the glacier.

Manohar Lal Chibber, Maj. Shiv Sharma, and Lt. Hoon learned of the plan by Pakistan Army to seize Sia La, and Bilafond La, on the glacier. Indian Army launched an operation to preempt the seizure of the passes by the Pakistan Army. Men of the Ladakh Scouts and Kumaon Regiment occupy Bilafond La on 1. April and Sia La on 1.

April 1. 98. 4 with the help of the Indian Air Force. Pakistan Army in turn learned of the presence of Ladakh Scouts on the passes during a helicopter recon mission. In response to these developments Pakistan Army initiated an operation using troops from the Special Services Group and Northern Light Infantry to displace the three hundred or so Indian troops on the key passes. This operation led by the Pakistan Army led to the first armed clash on the glacier on April 2.

One of the biggest successes achieved by Pakistan in this period was the seizure of a feature overlooking Bilafond La. This feature was named . Pakistani Army held Qaid post overlooked Bilafond La area and offered and excellent vantage point to view Indian Army activities. On 2. 5 June 1. 98. Indian Army under the leadership of Brig. Chandan Nugyal, Major Varinder Singh, Lt. Rajiv Pande and Naib Subedar Bana Singh launched a successful strike on Qaid Post and captured it from Pakistani forces.

For his role in the assault, Subedar Bana Singh was awarded the Param Vir Chakra – India's highest gallantry award. The post was renamed Bana Post in his honour. September 1. 98. 7: Operation Vajrashakti/Op Qaidat: The Pakistan Army under Brig.

Pervez Musharraf (later President of Pakistan) launched Operation Qaidat to retake Qaid peak. For this purpose units from Pakistan Army SSG (1st and 3rd battalions) assembled a major task force at the newly constructed Khaplu garrison. The operation was unsuccessful at dislodging Pakistani troops from their positions. Indian Army under Brig. Nanavatty launched an artillery attack on Kauser Base, the Pakistani logistical node in Chumik and successfully destroyed it.

The destruction of Kauser Base induced Pakistani troops to vacate Chumik posts concluding Operation Ibex. On August 1, 1. 99. Pakistani helicopters were attacked by an Indian Igla missile and Brig. Masood Navid Anwari (PA 1. Force Commander Northern Areas and other accompanying troops were killed. This led to a loss of momentum on the Pakistani side and the assault stalled.

The attack was repulsed by Indian troops. Katoch, Col. Konsam Himalaya Singh seized control of pt 5. Naveed Top/Cheema Top/Bilal Top) in southern edge of the Saltoro defense line from Pakistan troops. The 1. 99. 5 attack by Pakistan SSG was significant as it resulted in 4.

Pakistan troops without any changes in the positions. An Indian IAF MI- 1. The Indian army controls all of the 7. Siachen Glacier and all of its tributary glaciers, as well as the three main passes of the Saltoro Ridge immediately west of the glacier—Sia La, Bilafond La, and Gyong La—thus holding onto the tactical advantage of high ground. Most of India's many outposts are west of the Siachen Glacier along the Saltoro Range. Adobe Photoshop 6 Mac Cracked. In an academic study with detailed maps and satellite images, co- authored by brigadiers from both the Pakistani and Indian military, pages 1.

The Indian army has secured its position on the ridgeline. The Pakistanis have been unable get up to the crest of the Saltoro Ridge, while the Indians cannot come down and abandon their strategic high posts.

The line between where Indian and Pakistani troops are presently holding onto their respective posts is being increasingly referred to as the Actual Ground Position Line (AGPL). Even before then, every year more soldiers were killed because of severe weather than enemy firing. The two sides by 2. Together, the nations have about 1. Official figures for maintaining these outposts are put at ~$3. India and Pakistan respectively. India built the world's highest helipad on the glacier at Point Sonam, 2.

The problems of reinforcing or evacuating the high- altitude ridgeline have led to India's development of the Dhruv Mk III helicopter, powered by the Shakti engine, which was flight- tested to lift and land personnel and stores from the Sonam post, the highest permanently manned post in the world. On June 1. 2, 2. 00. Prime Minister. Manmohan Singh became the first Indian Prime Minister to visit the area, calling for a peaceful resolution of the problem. In 2. 00. 7, the President of India, Abdul Kalam became the first head of state to visit the area. Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi visited Siachen on 2.

October 2. 01. 4 to celebrate Diwali with the troops and boost their morale. The US General visited for the purpose of . The expeditions have been meant to show the international audience that Indian troops hold .

Later its sequel, Battlefield Siachen, was released in January 2. A base camp was also struck, that killed two Ladakh scouts. The same day, a single avalanche hit a Pakistani military camp in Bevan sector, killing 8 soldiers. He was taken to Army Research and Referral Hospital in Delhi.

His condition became critical later on due to multiple organ failure and lack of oxygen to brain and he died 1. February 2. 01. 6. Hooda of the Northern Command visited the Siachen glacier in order to boost morale after 1.

November 7, 2. 00. Retrieved on 2. 01. Tewari, B. K. India's Neighbours: Past and Future. Spellbound Publications, 1. ISBN 9. 78. 81. 76. Times of India. Pakistani troops were forced out with over 2. Indian fatalities ^.

Retrieved 1. 2 December 2. Himalayan Perceptions: Environmental Change and the Well- Being of Mountain Peoples. Routledge, 2. 00. ISBN 9. 78. 11. 34. Los Angeles Times. Retrieved 2. 7 April 2. In the Line of Fire: A Memoir.

ISBN 0- 7. 43. 2- 8. The Himalayas War at the Top Of the World July 3.

TIME^Wirsing, Robert. Pakistan's security under Zia, 1. Asian state. Palgrave Macmillan, 1. ISBN 9. 78. 03. 12.

Thin air: encounters in the Himalayas. The Mountaineers Books, 1. ISBN 9. 78. 08. 98. Peering Over the Edge: The Philosophy of Mountaineering, p. CHILD, Greg. Mixed Emotions: Mountaineering Writings, p. P R Chari; Pervaiz Iqbal Cheema; Stephen P Cohen. Perception, Politics and Security in South Asia: The Compound Crisis of 1.

Routledge (London); 1 edition (May 1. ISBN 9. 78- 0. 41. Retrieved 4 June 2. Dag Digital Library. Retrieved 3. 0 May 2. Commission for India and Pakistan: annexes to the interim report(PDF).

Dag Digital Library – the United Nations. Retrieved 3 June 2. United Nations Treaty Collection.

Retrieved 4 June 2. Map superimposed on satellite image. Pakistan Defence. Retrieved 2. 7 May 2. Verghese, Saturday, April 2. Chandigarh, India^Himalayan Journal Vol.

Himalayan Journal Vol. SANGAKU 7. 1^. Outsideonline. Retrieved 2. 01. 1- 0. Calcutta, India: Telegraphindia.

Retrieved 2. 01. 1- 0. Indian Defence Review. India- Pakistan in war & peace. ISBN 0- 4. 15- 3. Op Rajeev, 1. 8th Sept 2.

Baghel, Ravi; Nusser, Marcus (2. Political Geography. Retrieved 2. 01. 6- 0. Javed Hassan (Retd) April 2.

The Tribune (Pakistan)^Harish Kapadia.

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